Advertising, sponsorship and event terms & conditions
Ultimo aggiornamento: 24 Ottobre 2022
If you are interested in sponsoring one of our events or
advertising your services during our events email
- Definitions
- Formation of Agreement
- Client's Obligations
- Approval of Advertisements
- Alpha4all's Obligations
- Fees
- Cancellation of Services
- Confidentiality
- Limitation of Liability
- Termination
- Assignment
- Force Majeure
- General
- Jurisdiction
1. Definitions
In these Terms and Conditions ('Conditions') the words/expressions
referred to below shall have the following meanings except where
the context otherwise requires:
Advertisement means an advertisement or series
of advertisements for the Client and/or its products and
services including (but not limited to) advertisements in any
Publication, advertisements on any Website, Banner
Advertisements, and Exhibition Advertisements.
Agreement means any contract between Alpha4all
and the Client for advertising which is formed in accordance
with clause 2.
Banner Advertisement means a banner
advertisement on any Website, including but not limited to
sponsoring advertisements.
Client means the person, firm, body corporate
who wish to sponsor or advertise their services through
Event Sponsorship means sponsorship by the
Client of an Event organised by Alpha4all, such sponsorship
being for the purpose of promoting the Client and/or its
products and services.
Package means any combination of
Advertisements, Banner Advertisements, Exhibition Space, Event
Space, Exhibition Advertisement, Events and/or Event Sponsorship
purchased by the Client on any one occasion.
Publication means in the case of printed
Advertisements the publication published by Alpha4all in which
the Advertisement shall appear.
Services means any one or more of
Advertisements, Banner Advertisements, Exhibition Space, Event
Space, Exhibition Advertisement, Event Sponsorship, published or
conducted by Alpha4all from time to time.
Website means in the case of website
Advertisements and Banner Advertisements, the Alpha4all website
on which the Advertisement is to appear.
2. Formation of Agreement
The Agreement shall be formed when the Client submits a formal
request and receives an Order Confirmation in writing along with
terms and conditions of the sponsorship.
In the event that an agency submits a request as agent on behalf
of its principal, then the agency shall specify the principal's
name as well as its own in the order details.
3. Client's Obligations
The Client warrants that:
any description relating to its products or services in the
Advertisement is true and accurate;
the Advertisement does not contravene any act or Parliament
nor is it in any other way illegal or defamatory;
it will at all times comply with the British Code of
Advertising Practice, the recommended standards produced by
the Advertising Association and all other relevant
advertising standards guidelines and regulations;
it will supply copy for Advertisements prior to copy
deadlines, as advised/published by Alpha4all;
where material has been supplied by the Client, that they
have the rights associated with the material to enable it’s
use by Alpha4all in the delivery of Services.
If the Client breaches clause 3.1 it shall immediately rectify
the breach and fully indemnify Alpha4all against any fines,
losses, costs, damages, charges, claims, demands, expenses
direct losses, loss of profits and indirect and consequential
losses incurred by Alpha4all as a result of the Client's breach.
The Client shall be responsible for insuring all films, artwork,
photographic and other advertising materials delivered to
Alpha4all and Alpha4all shall not be liable to any loss or
damage thereto while the same is in its possession or control.
The Client shall be responsible for collecting any films,
artwork, photographic and other materials submitted to Alpha4all
for the purposes of the Advertisement. Alpha4all shall accept no
responsibility for any such items which remain unclaimed by the
Client more than 12 months after they were last used for
Where personal information including contact information has
been supplied to the Client as an export as part of the delivery
of the Services, the Client is the Data Controller with respect
to that data they have received and shall be responsible for the
proper use and secure handling of that and all associated
obligations under the current data protection regime. The Client
shall fully indemnify Alpha4all against any fines, losses,
costs, damages, charges, claims, demands, expenses, direct
losses, loss of profits, and any indirect or consequential
losses incurred by Alpha4all because of the Client's breach.
4. Approval of Advertisements
All Advertisements must be submitted by the Client for the
approval of Alpha4all prior to publication. Alpha4all reserves
the right to refuse, omit, alter, suspend, withdraw or otherwise
deal with any Advertisement at its absolute discretion and
without explanation or liability to the Client.
Banner Advertisements run on a calendar monthly basis. All
visuals and copy for Banner Advertisements must be supplied to
Alpha4all at least 10 Working Days prior to the first day of the
calendar month in which the Banner Advertisement is to first
Visuals and copy shall be supplied in accordance with
Alpha4all's publication deadlines as published/advised on a
periodic basis or, in the case of Banner Advertisements, in
accordance with clause 4.2. If the Client fails to comply with
this clause 4.3:
Alpha4all shall not be under an obligation to supply proofs
to the Client and reserves the right to use the copy last
supplied by the Client; and
Alpha4all shall be entitled to payment of its fee in
accordance with clause 7, even if no visuals or copy
whatsoever have been supplied.
If the Client fails to check and return any proof submitted by
Alpha4all, Alpha4all reserves the right to print the
Advertisement as prepared.
Alpha4all cannot accept responsibility for changes to approved
copy although it will use its reasonable endeavours to make
these if they are submitted prior to the final copy deadline as
published/advised from time to time, provided always where
changes are made pursuant to this clause 4.5 the Client shall be
responsible for any additional costs thereby incurred by
5. Alpha4all's Obligations
Alpha4all shall use its best endeavours to ensure the appearance
of contracted for Advertisement but does not accept liability
for the non-appearance of any Advertisement. In the case of
advertisements for Publications, it is hereby agreed that
Alpha4all's best endeavours shall not extend to reprinting any
Publication, but the Client will be offered the next available
and/or relevant alternative.
Unless the parties have agreed to the position of the
Advertisement in the Publication or on the Website (in which
case this shall be agreed in writing by the parties) Alpha4all
does not guarantee the position of any Advertisement in the
Publication or on the Website. Where the Client has expressed a
preference only as to the position of its Advertisement in the
Publication or on the Website Alpha4all shall use its reasonable
endeavours to comply with the Client's preference but shall have
no liability to if the Advertisement is not published in the
preferred position.
Alpha4all shall use its reasonable endeavours to procure
attendance at Events, and shall use its best endeavours to act
in an even-handed manner to all sponsors in the case of Events
sponsored by a number of clients (always taking into account any
difference in the level of sponsorship purchased by sponsors).
Alpha4all will advise clients of its experience of the usual
acceptance/subsequent attendance ratios, but Alpha4all shall not
be liable for actual attendance levels being lower than those
6. Fees
The fee payable by the Client to Alpha4all shall be in
accordance with Alpha4all's published rates or as otherwise
agreed in writing by the parties.
All fees are exclusive of Value Added Tax, which shall be
payable by the Client.
Alpha4all shall be entitled to invoice the Client immediately
following Alpha4all's acceptance of the Client's Order
The Client shall pay Alpha4all within 30 days of the date of
Alpha4all's invoice, or within 30 days of receipt thereof,
whichever is the later. The fees shall be payable in full and
the Client shall not be entitled to make any deduction or
exercise any right or set-off counterclaim or contribution
howsoever arising. The time of payment of the fees shall be of
the essence of the Agreement.
Alpha4all reserves the right to request and receive full payment
prior to acceptance of an Order Confirmation if, in the opinion
of Alpha4all, the credit-worthiness of the Client is not
satisfactory or the Client has not paid previous invoices within
Alpha4all's usual credit terms.
If the Client fails to make any payment on the due date then
without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to
Alpha4all, Alpha4all shall (at its option) be entitled to:
treat the Agreement as repudiated by the Client and cancel
publication of any Advertisement or cease the Services (as
the case may be), claim damages from the Client and charge
the Client interest both before as well as after any
judgment on the amount unpaid at the rate of 4% per annum
above the base rate from time to time of Barclays Bank Plc
from the date payment is due until payment is made; or
affirm the Agreement, claim damages from the Client and
charge the Client interest in accordance with clause 7.6.1.
Where the Client pays a subscription for an agreed number of
Banner Advertisements or advertisements on any Website during an
agreed period of time ('Subscription Period') and the Client
fails to take up the agreed number during the Subscription
the Client shall not be entitled to a refund of the fees in
respect of the Advertisements which has failed to take up
during the Subscription Period; and
the Client shall not be entitled to carry forward
Advertisements which has failed to take up during one
Subscription Period into a subsequent Subscription Period.
7. Cancellation of Services
The Client may not cancel an Order Confirmation which has been
accepted by Alpha4all.
8. Confidentiality
The content and terms of this Agreement shall be confidential as
between the parties and there shall be no breach of that
confidence by either party.
Save as provided in clause 9.1 each party agrees and undertakes
that it will keep confidential and will not use for its own
purposes nor without the prior written consent of the other
party disclose to any third party all information of a
confidential nature, (including but not limited to trade secrets
and information of commercial value) which may become known to
such party from the other unless such information is public
knowledge (other than by breach of this clause 9) or is required
to be disclosed by a court of competent jurisdiction. Breach of
this clause 9.2 shall not be subject to the terms of clause 10
(Limitation of Liability).
9. Limitation of Liability
Save as otherwise provided in this Agreement all conditions
warranties and representations expressed or implied by statute
common law or otherwise in relation to Alpha4all's obligations
hereunder are hereby excluded.
Without prejudice to any other terms in this Agreement the
aggregate liability of Alpha4all shall not in any circumstances
(except in respect of death or personal injury caused by
Alpha4all's negligence) exceed the total sum payable by the
Client to Alpha4all under this Agreement. Where Alpha4all fails
to provide a Service, its total liability to the Client shall be
limited to a refund of the fees paid or payable by the Client
for the Service. Where the Service not so performed has been
ordered as part of a Package, Alpha4all shall reasonably
determine the proportion of the total payment relating to the
unpublished/unperformed Service its total liability to the
Client in respect of the unpublished/unperformed Service shall
be limited to such proportion.
Alpha4all shall not be liable to the Client for any indirect or
consequential losses or damages (including but not limited to
loss of profits) whether arising from breach of contract
negligence or howsoever.
10. Termination
Notwithstanding and without prejudice to clause 7 above
Alpha4all shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement
immediately by giving written notice to the Client in any of the
following events:
if the Client fails to make payment in accordance with this
if the Client convenes a meeting of its creditors, becomes
insolvent, is unable to pay its debts, has an administrative
receiver or receiver or administrator appointed over its
assets or business or is the subject of a petition presented
to put it in into liquidation; or
if the Client in the opinion of Alpha4all is in breach of
any material term of this Agreement.
In any such case Alpha4all shall be entitled to charge the
Client any costs, charges or expenses (direct or consequential)
howsoever arising incurred by Alpha4all.
Termination of this Agreement howsoever, shall not affect the
accrued rights or the liabilities of either party.
11. Assignment
The Client shall not be entitled to assign, rent, lease,
sub-licence, copy or otherwise transfer the benefit of its
obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent
of Alpha4all.
12. Force Majeure
If either party is unable to perform its obligations by reason of
matters beyond its control including but not limited to any act of
terrorism, war, riot, civil commotion, compliance with any law or
governmental order, fire, flood or storm, strikes, lock-outs or
other industrial disputes (whether involving the workforce of the
party so prevented or of any other party) delay in transit, power
failure, postal delay, the party so affected will notify the other
party and the parties agree to delay the performance of this
Agreement for as long as may be reasonably necessary until the
cause(s) giving rise to force majeure has/have ceased.
13. General
These Conditions shall have precedence at all times and in all
circumstances over any Conditions that the Client may be in the
practice of using.
Any representations made by Alpha4all prior to the making of the
Agreement shall not form part of the Agreement and shall be of
no effect. The Agreement supersedes all prior agreements,
arrangements and undertakings between Alpha4all and the Client
relating to the subject matter hereof. No variation or addition
shall be binding upon the parties unless made in writing and
signed by the authorised representatives of both parties.
Any waiver by Alpha4all of any breach of the Agreement by the
Client, shall not operate as a waiver of any past or future
If any provision or part of a provision of these Conditions
shall be or be found by any court of competent jurisdiction to
be invalid or unenforceable such invalidity or unenforceability
shall not affect the other provisions or parts of such
provisions of these Conditions all of which shall remain in full
force and effect.
Any notice hereunder shall be deemed to have been duly given if
sent by prepaid first class registered post or by facsimile or
telex to the party concerned at its registered office or
principal place of business or such other address as may have
been notified pursuant to this provision to the party giving the
notice. Notices sent by first class registered post shall be
deemed to have been given 7 days after despatch and notices sent
by facsimile or telex shall be deemed to have been given on the
date of despatch, even if confirmed by post.
No term of the Agreement shall be enforceable under the
Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by a third party.
Nothing in the Agreement and no action taken by the parties
pursuant to the Agreement shall constitute or be deemed to
constitute a partnership association joint venture or other
co-operative entity.
Address for Notices:
For Alpha4all notices should be sent to The Group Finance
Director, Alpha4all Media Ltd, Fountain Building, Howbery
Park, Benson Lane, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 8BA.
For the Client the address to which notices should be sent
shall be that on the Order Confirmation unless otherwise
advised in writing by the Client.
Calls may occasionally be recorded for training purposes.
14. Jurisdiction
This Agreement and all obligations under the same shall be
governed by the laws of England and the parties submit to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.